Frequently asked questions

Questions for suppliers

For suppliers, CENFOOD offers above all easy access and distribution to the largest retail chains in Germany. An effortful listing process per retailer is no longer necessary thanks to CENFOOD’s centralized listing. In addition, we can take care of the central storage and distribution of your goods on request and optimize sales volumes for existing listings with the help of mixed palletizing. With the help of our online distribution platform, you always have full control over your stock movements, sales and invoicing. An AI calculates your minimum stock level and tells you when you should produce and restock again. Furthermore, suppliers no longer have to worry about processing individual orders, deliveries and invoicing.

  • Access to the retail branches of REWE & EDEKA
  • Access to the wholesale and CC stores of Metro, Globus
  • Access to various food delivery services
  • Uncomplicated drop shipment to each individual store thanks to digital fulfillment service
  • Cost reduction through optimisation of route logistics
  • Through bundled shipping incl. Invoicing, the food retail sector has significantly lower minimum order quantities per item.
  • Retailers can invoice everything via CENFOOD → thus faster listings due to significantly lower administrative effort
  • Use Cenfood as a clearing house vis-à-vis the food retailer
  • Cenfood actively supports sales
  • Storage in our logistics centers for optimized withdrawal for bundled goods ordering
  • Access to our Online Distribution Management System
  • Use of our product master data management system with master data export and API function
  • Sale via our online marketplace

We were originally created purely as a service for start-ups. In the meantime, however, we have specialised in the general distribution of all suppliers. This has created a large network of buyers, flow-of-goods managers, merchandisers and category managers. Furthermore, we work closely with the respective start-up programmes of the retail chains. With the help of our online distribution platform, we also provide young brands with fast access to decision-makers.

For start-ups that are still at the very beginning and do not yet have a marketability certificate, we offer an advisory and support service through our partners. This person will support you with questions regarding subsidies, marketing and branding as well as product declaration and marketability.

We work with a clear and open calculation. This means that as a supplier you determine the prices for the buyer. For the providing and using of our Online Distribution System, the Product Information Management System (PIM) as well as the taking over of storage, logistics and delivery, we charge a one-time OnBoarding fee as well as fixed storage fees, and also a service fee per processed sale via our platform, depending on the service and booked service level.

Of course, suppliers can take advantage of certain service aspects of CENFOOD that do not require storage in our central warehouse. One of the main reasons for traders to order via our platform is the bundled delivery of goods as well as the central billing of multiple orders via one central supplier. This makes storage in our central warehouse necessary. Only then will you as a supplier also benefit from all the advantages of our solution and optimise your sales.

Many retailers are forced to adapt their purchasing processes to meet increasing demands. However, the associated administrative effort and staff shortages can be significantly minimized by our central solution. Increasing minimum order quantities and transaction costs due to the growing number of drop-ship and buy-in items have forced many retailers to either order less or eliminate suppliers from their assortment altogether, even though they have had good sales. Therefore, more and more retailers rely on our solution and would like to have the regulation of drop-shipments and bought-in articles completely handled by CENFOOD. Through our service, all orders, billing and deliveries are handled in unison, leaving the retailer with only one point of contact, CENFOOD, and the ability to order, deliver and bill multiple suppliers in a bundled manner.

All items on our platform are presented on the marketplace depending on the booked service package. The presentation is supported by product recommendations, trend lists and regular new product introductions to buyers and decision-makers. We are also happy to support you in planning special set-ups and promotions and put you in touch with the right contacts in the trade.

Nevertheless, our services should always be understood as additional support. Basic sales work, brand building and end consumer marketing are among the most important tasks of any supplier. The fast listing process as well as the distribution via CENFOOD, is a decisive argument for the retailer and thus an important sales advantage.

Of course, this depends on many factors. However, if your item has been properly created and checked in our system and interest has been generated by a CENFOOD affiliated retailer, your product may already be on a retailer’s shelf for the first time within 10 days. The effortful dealer listing and inspection process, especially for new products and suppliers, which conventionally took up to 6 months, is enormously accelerated and greatly simplified by our service.

In order to use our CENFOOD service, you will first and foremost need a supplier GLN. Furthermore, we can only activate products with a valid EAN/GTIN. (You can find more info on For almost all chain stores and online supermarkets, a valid marketability certificate is mandatory. Important certificates, e.g. for BIO certification and the bottler’s certificate, must also be filed in our certificate manager. We will be happy to support you in preparing the necessary documents.

For foreign suppliers, CENFOOD assumes, under certain conditions, the role of importer and thus the initial distributor, provided that no German importer and supplier has yet been engaged for this purpose.

Questions for retailers

As a retailer in the food retail trade, you benefit above all from the bundled procurement of goods, delivery and invoicing. Your administrative workload is significantly reduced. Connected to our PIM (Product Information Management), you also have access to constantly updated article master data and available stocks and delivery times. This allows you to plan the flow of goods more efficiently.

  • National distribution to each individual store and central warehouse for goods in the dry sector
  • Take over of the complete process for new listings incl. Checking for marketability, calculation in line with the market, article master data and much more
  • One supplier – one accountant – one contact partner
  • Minimum order quantity 600 € over several articles from different suppliers (only 1 PU can be ordered per article)
  • Regulation of inventory suppliers with low sales volumes per store in order to bundle the procurement of goods for these products as well
  • Support with shelf maintenance and special placements
  • Import from international manufacturers and brands
  • Digital Product Data and Information Management System (PIM) as central master data solution with export as well as API interfaces to your ERP systems
  • Orders can be placed conveniently via EDI, eMail or our Marketplace

With the help of our online marketplace, you can also discover many new products, try out trends more quickly and add your desired trial quantity to your existing regular order without having to make minimum purchases.

In order for CENFOOD to be able to completely take over the delivery and invoicing of the desired suppliers, the respective suppliers must register in our distribution system and transmit their article master data. CENFOOD signs a corresponding service contract with the suppliers and you can now order your suppliers’ articles bundled via CENFOOD. In addition to the bundled delivery, you will also receive a bundled invoice.

The minimum order quantity of 600 € now covers the entire range listed and stored with us. High minimum order quantities from individual suppliers are thus eliminated. The more your suppliers are transferred to our platform, the higher the optimisation factor and thus the savings potential. We become your central contact for all ordering and billing modalities and support you in coordinating promotions, special set-ups, etc. Furthermore, we ensure a constant flow of goods and availability of the listed products and thus also optimise essential parts of the planning for your branch logistics.

We are happy to take over the complete coordination of the transfer of your existing suppliers into our system.

As a retailer, they order in their preferred and convenient way. We accept orders via fax, email, web EDI and direct EDI. Furthermore, with our marketplace we provide an online platform for discovering and conveniently ordering new and existing products via the web browser.

As a retailer, you enter into a regular and conventional trading relationship with us. We are happy to offer you additional services in the optimisation and bundling of your drop shipment suppliers. Talk to our staff. We look forward to their support and willingness to regularly test new products from our range in their sales, to reserve dedicated sales space e.g. for start-up or theme products and to recommend our service to others.

Of course, we organise product samples and tastings. In addition, extensive support is provided by our field staff.

We are constantly building up our service team consisting of efficient customer support in the office and in the field. Our field service & sales staff are happy to visit them and take care of their wishes and support them with shelf and product range maintenance on site. Your personal contact person also takes care of all other challenges in the entire ordering and delivery process as well as all other organisational issues.

We are already the exclusive importer of some brands from other European countries. If retailers wish to list articles from abroad, we will be happy to take care of the entire process, incl. Marketability certification, declaration, pricing and import. So CENFOOD also becomes your supplier for international brands.

General issues

CENFOOD offers a SaaS logistics solution for suppliers and producers.
With this cloud application, suppliers manage and control their complete logistics processes online. Storage of goods, picking and invoicing are automated and centralised. A separate supplier listing is no longer necessary. Almost all large retail chains in Germany are supplied via our solution. CENFOOD also controls and manages the central master data management for supplier and article data (PIM – Product Information Management System). This means that suppliers can manage their data centrally via our platform and always share and export it digitally with other retailers and services.

Our online marketplace is used by retailers who browse for new and interesting products and like to place their orders online and web-based. Not all retailers use EDI as a uniform standard for orders, for example. Also, not all items are always immediately listed in the central ordering system of the individual retail chains. All articles from all affiliated suppliers can be ordered on our marketplace.

Many consumers love to try out new products and order them online. However, CENFOOD is a B2B-only service. End consumers do not have access to the marketplace and the product database. However, at we operate an end-consumer store for spirits in exclusive German distribution for the multiple award-winning Swedish brand Stockholms Bränneri.

Lieferant oder Händler?

Nutzen Sie als etablierter Lieferant unsere zentrale Distributionslösung sowie das Central Dashboard, um Ihre Logistik zu optimieren und administrative sowie logistische Kosten einzusparen.

Sie sind mit Ihrer Marke neu am Markt und suchen den Zugang zum deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel?

CENFOOD bietet verschiedene Service- und Salespakete für Ihre Go To Market Strategie.

Händler profitieren von einer gebündelten Warenbeschaffung von der Bestellung, Lieferung bis zur Abrechnung und sparen administrative Kosten, reduzieren die Anzahl der Anlieferungen und profitieren von bedarfsgerechten Mindestbestellmengen.

Supplier or retailer?

As an established supplier, use our central distribution solution and the Central Dashboard to optimize your logistics and save administrative and logistical costs.

Are you new to the market with your brand and looking for access to the German food retail trade?

CENFOOD offers various service and sales packages  for your go-to-market strategy.

Retailers benefit from bundled goods procurement from ordering and delivery through to invoicing and save administrative costs, reduce the number of deliveries and benefit from minimum order quantities in line with requirements.

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