Advantages for retailers through CENFOOD®

Im Supermarkt 2

Buyer & Store Manager

Your independent central supplier for bought-in & drop-ship items

With the help of CENFOOD, retailers can significantly optimize their processes (ordering, delivery, and invoicing), reduce administrative expenses, and cut down on merchandise pre-financing. With CENFOOD, retailers order only the quantities of drop-ship items they currently need for their shelves.

The central ordering & supply source

Ordering, delivery & billing of new & existing products is now only done via one contact.

Through this collaboration you can make deliveries and minimum order quantities, and save on personnel costs for goods receiving. In addition, you save the time-consuming re-listing of third-party suppliers. Ideally, you should only purchase new or existing line items from one central supplier: CENFOOD.

Reduce minimum order quantities & avoid shelf gaps

Due to the bundling of numerous national third-party items in a warehouse network, minimum order quantities are standardized as well as reduced.

Thanks to bundled procurement of goods, you only need to worry about a minimum order quantity, regardless of whether you place your order with three or fifty manufacturers through us. You can easily create your perfect mixed pallet(s) when you place your order by selecting a variety of drop-ship items from a wide range of manufacturers (via an MDE device). Order only the goods that you really need for the Shelf space needed.

Only one biller left

CENFOOD is a listed supplier in the trade and we are therefore happy to take over the billing of the delivered purchased items for you.

Whether you source items from one manufacturer or fifty, we bundle this process for you. You will receive an invoice from us that covers all your purchases. After successful delivery, CENFOOD takes over the billing of the delivered items and summarizes them in one invoice for you or the regional company.

Reduction of delivery quantities & saves valuable personnel resources

CENFOOD will help you to take over your route- and purchased items to help!

Through this collaboration, you can significantly reduce deliveries and minimum order quantities as well as save on personnel costs at the goods receiving department. In addition, you also save the time-consuming re-listing of third-party suppliers. The best way to source new or existing line items is through a central supplier: CENFOOD.

Standardization of documents & bundling of goods accompanying documents

You will receive standardized delivery bills and invoices from all suppliers.

We ensure that you only receive one document standard for order confirmations, delivery bills and invoices (also in EDI format if desired). Since CENFOOD® itself acts as a fully-fledged supplier to the food retail industry, we also ensure a significant reduction in all goods accompanying documents by bundling when orders are placed through us. As a result, billing is also done through only one point of contact: CENFOOD.

Shortened listing processes of new articles

We would like to help you shorten this process by using existing supplier contracts through CENFOOD.

With our service, we handle the entire process of new listings, including marketability testing, market-driven costing, item master data, and more. With us you will find both new trend products and established manufacturers. We optimize your procurement of drop-shipments.

Effective market presence & support

With CENFOOD, you can count on an efficient and stress-free way of product presentation in the future.

With our team of 40 POS purchasing optimization experts, we are happy to present you with successful market items from new sourcing suppliers. This eliminates the need for time-consuming visits by field staff. Simply outsource product launches to CENFOOD, for example. This saves you valuable time, provides you with information on new products that are truly relevant, and allows you to focus entirely on your business.

Product Catalog & Marketplace

We offer you the opportunity to consolidate and order over 1,000 items from established dropshipping suppliers as well as national and international brands through our service. Take a look at our online catalog to discover the range. Orders can be conveniently placed through MDE (Mobile Data Entry), EDI (Electronic Data Interchange), or directly through the marketplace.

Almost all dropshipping suppliers of a retailer can be ordered through our consolidated service during a merchandise sourcing transition, just like ordering from the central warehouse.

Lieferant oder Händler?

Nutzen Sie als etablierter Lieferant unsere zentrale Distributionslösung sowie das Central Dashboard, um Ihre Logistik zu optimieren und administrative sowie logistische Kosten einzusparen.

Sie sind mit Ihrer Marke neu am Markt und suchen den Zugang zum deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel?

CENFOOD bietet verschiedene Service- und Salespakete für Ihre Go To Market Strategie.

Händler profitieren von einer gebündelten Warenbeschaffung von der Bestellung, Lieferung bis zur Abrechnung und sparen administrative Kosten, reduzieren die Anzahl der Anlieferungen und profitieren von bedarfsgerechten Mindestbestellmengen.

Supplier or retailer?

As an established supplier, use our central distribution solution and the Central Dashboard to optimize your logistics and save administrative and logistical costs.

Are you new to the market with your brand and looking for access to the German food retail trade?

CENFOOD offers various service and sales packages  for your go-to-market strategy.

Retailers benefit from bundled goods procurement from ordering and delivery through to invoicing and save administrative costs, reduce the number of deliveries and benefit from minimum order quantities in line with requirements.

happy holidays

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